Monday, October 19, 2009

July 12, 2009 Izaiah's dedication at Church

Pastor Medley, Izaiah, and Jessica.

Aunt Li, Uncle Mo and Izaiah in the nursery.
Uncle Mo, Aunt Li, Izaiah and Jessica.
Grandmom Sherri and Izaiah.

What a joy it was to have Izaiah dedicated in church today and publicly make a promise to the Lord to do everything within our power to raise him in a godly way, prayerfully until he can make a decision on his own to follow God. We made this vow of commitment and will raise him in the ways of God, and not according to our own ways. We will train him up in the way he should go as God's Holy Word instructs, demonstrating an example of godliness, disciplining according to God's ways, and praying earnestly for him.

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